Manage your photos, edit them, or share on the social platforms. The built-in Smart Event Sort feature will automatically organize your digital photos into collections based on various filters: time, location, holiday, occasion. Detects faces in images and tags them accordingly.
Lenovo Photo Master is a photo management application that allows you to browse, manage, edit and share your digital photos. It has the Smart Event Sort feature that automatically organizes photos into collections by time, location, holiday or occasion. Social media sharing from within the application saves time and makes it easier to show off photo creations. Just Visiting automatically reminds users of upcoming personal special occasions through past photo collections.
Comments (7)
di un programma...me lo hanno riparato, ma non ho più Lenovo
Photo Master. Ho cercato ed ho fatto i 3 passaggi, pensando poi
di trovare una icona del programma e magari recuperare le foto
che erano su altro computer, ma non appare nessuna icona, perchè?